Love, Joy, Peace...

Who are we?  In a nutshell, we are Jesus-lovers.  Which means we are Jesus-followers.  Which means we are Jesus-obeyers (or we’re striving to be). 


We are a relatively small congregation – but a part of the larger body of Christ – faithfully endeavoring to fulfill His commission to go…and make disciples.  We are focused on Christ-centered, Scripturally-based worship and are passionate about serving others through local and global mission efforts.


We are a faith community of the Global Methodist Church, led by Reverend Brian Youngs, an Elder in the Global Methodist Church.  A native of upstate New York, Brian was well prepared in 2020 when a sudden and unexpected blizzard blew in just as one of our drive-in services began (we were meeting outside during the Covid pandemic).  While everyone else was warm and comfortable in their cars, Brian kept preaching as the wind howled and the snow began to pile up on his mic and outdoor pulpit…what a trooper!!!  And it's one of our favorite memories!  Brian is a second career pastor from the business world, who moved to Northwest Arkansas with a consumer products company supporting major retailers in the area.  He and his wife, Margie, enjoy the lake life and hiking in the natural beauty of the area.

We come from many different backgrounds and denominations and we’re all at different stages in our faith journey.  So, we learn from each other and encourage one another through small  group Bible studies and prayer groups.  And yes, we are PRAY-ERs!  We don’t just say “we’ll pray for you”.  We PRAY for you!!  We also do our share of “fellowshipping”…from occasional community potluck dinners or get-togethers to random join-ups for breakfast, over coffee, or around a campfire just to connect with each other. In other words, we are family.  Regardless of when or where we meet, whether in the sanctuary, someone’s home, or outdoors, the atmosphere is relaxed, and the attire is casual.


So come as you are…YOU are welcome here.  You just might find a place to call home.



What do we believe?

We believe the Bible is the inspired “God-breathed” Word, eternal, and authoritative; and because of this we cherish it, study it, fully trust it, obey it, and share it with others.

We believe in One true and living God, infinite, eternal and unchanging, Creator, Sustainer and Sovereign over all creation.  And for reasons beyond our finite comprehension, we believe that God loves us and desires to have a personal and intimate relationship with us. 

We believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, fully God and fully man.  We believe He was miraculously conceived in the womb of the virgin Mary by the Holy Spirit.  We believe that He was sinless in life and died for our sins.  We believe in His bodily resurrection, His physical ascension and His promised return to establish His earthly kingdom.  We believe that He is the Way, the Truth and the Life, and our only means of reconciliation (having that personal and intimate relationship) with God.  He is our Savior.  He is our Lord.


We believe the Holy Spirit convicts us of sin, that He leads us into Truth, counsels us, leads and guides us in the way we should go; that He indwells all believers and blesses each of us with gifts to serve; that He advocates and intercedes for us; and seals us as God’s chosen for all eternity.

We believe that mankind - every human - is created in the image of God, and, therefore, of sacred worth.  We also believe that we are all flawed and fallen, i.e., sinners, and that we are all in need of salvation through Jesus Christ, our only and eternal hope.


We believe that the “church” is not a building or a place you go to worship on Sundays, but rather a group of Christ believers and followers, whose mission is to invite others to believe and follow Him, mature them in the faith, and equip them for personal ministry. As such, we meet together regularly to worship God, to grow spiritually by being taught and personally studying His Word and applying His teachings to our lives, to pray together and to fellowship…all enveloped in loving, serving and encouraging one another.  Which is to say, we share life together.  And we’d love to have YOU join us on the journey…